Thursday, October 15, 2015

Why Is Education Important? A Q&A with Dr. Paul LeBlanc

Why is education important QA with Dr Paul LeBlanc Banner Image

We posed the question, “Why is education important?”, to SNHU President/CEO Paul LeBlanc. In response, LeBlanc shares his own journey in education and why education is important to society.

Why is education important to each of us as individuals and to society as a whole?

Education is the great enabler and equalizer, the force that allows individuals to reach their potential, to dream bigger dreams and to be more fully engaged with a much bigger world. It is also the engine of social mobility, the avenue to better and more meaningful work and thus opportunity for one’s family and community.
We know that people with college degrees vote more, divorce less, smoke less and the list goes on. Take the two together – personal development and social mobility – and education is an incredible force for good. In many ways, it is critical to the American narrative of self-improvement, merit and mobility.

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